Why the Law of Attraction hasn’t worked for you

Alex Padron
5 min readMar 10, 2022


The problem with the laws of attraction

You’ve heard the success stories. You’ve heard people say the law of attraction is a universal law. You have ideas. You have a reality you want to create, you know what the future holds for the best version of yourself. You have a complete guide to the law of attraction. Yet, you can’t seem to make it happen in your own reality.

Figuring out what is blocking the law of attraction

If you’ve been trying to use the law of attraction to attract what you want into your life, but haven’t been seeing results, there is likely a negative thought, or many, in the way. These are limiting beliefs that keep us from creating a loving relationship, financial success, or creating our dream life. Here’s the thing, using positive thinking won’t overcome our limiting beliefs. If you want to manifest, you need to deal with those pesky limiting beliefs — would you believe that some of these beliefs have been with us since we were children? You don’t need to believe me, you can test this out for yourself. How long has it been since you’ve been trying to lose weight? attract money? achieve success?

You can vision board and completely focus on positive thoughts to attract power, physical health, and happiness, but without examining those limiting beliefs we carry, the law of attraction is like a race car carrying around an enormous pile of heavy rocks.

How does the law get bogged down by limiting beliefs? Because the subconscious mind isn’t aligned with what the thinking mind is wishing to attract.

How positive energy is blocked

Unexamined limiting beliefs and the negative thoughts they produce can prevent us from manifesting our desires, no matter how badly we want them. They also get in the way of cultivating a positive mindset and being in the present moment. In this blog post, we will explore how to overcome limiting beliefs that get in the way of the law of attraction.

A metaphor for our lives: the challenge of limiting beliefs

Here’s an example highlighting how limiting beliefs can get in the way of the law of attraction:

Imagine you are a passenger riding a bus with a four-year-old at the wheel. Now imagine the four-year-old is ashamed of not being enough to get everyone to their destination. He insists on being in charge to prove to others he is enough. This makes telling him to stop driving the bus all the more difficult.

Would you in your right mind be okay with that? Sure, having a four-year drive the bus might be exciting — the same way being a passenger to a drunk driver is exciting. But, choosing a drunk as your bus driver, and for that matter, a four-year-old comes with severe limitations and risks. No matter how many positive affirmations you say, if the four-year-old is in charge of the bus, you aren’t in charge.

In this metaphor, your life is the bus, and the people riding the bus including the four-year-old are all parts of yourself. If your previously discussed inner four-year-old has a complex of not being enough is in charge, no amount of attraction work will overcome the limiting beliefs he holds in your own life.

Would you say anything to this four-year-old who insists on driving the bus? Could attraction work simply override the inner child in you that has limiting beliefs? I suggest that the negative energy produced by this limiting belief, and others, gets in the way of whatever attraction techniques you use.

Hyper-charging attraction in your own life

Want to manifest love? better health, or well-being? Attract people you resonate with, and create more positive things? Do what most people avoid doing — examine your limiting beliefs to manifest a life that attracts what you desire. You can manifest what you desire through the power of the law of attraction right now. Before you get to this universal principle, before you figure out your unwavering desire, first focus on what blocks you: focus on your limiting beliefs.

Beliefs play a huge role in our lives. They are the filters through which we see the world. But, often our beliefs go unexamined and we take them for granted.

To hyper-charge our positive energy and strengthen the law of attraction in our life, we need to focus on what gets in the way of the clear vision we wish to attract.

Try this exercise and see how it affects your attraction, and energy vibration right to create more success.

Try this exercise

Write down what are five beliefs you have about other people?

  • who taught it to you?
  • where did it come from?
  • who modeled it?

Write down what are five beliefs you have about the world?

  • who taught it to you?
  • where did it come from?
  • who modeled it?

Attract money: how to eliminate patterns of negative thinking

Examine what’s in your way, what blocks you — what negative experiences prevent you from your dream life.

The law of attraction works but requires increasing your energy vibrations first. What’s in the way of that? Your unquestioned limiting beliefs.

The law of attraction works. If you want to effortlessly attract more money for yourself, create a space where you can write down and explore the following questions:

Write down what are five beliefs you have about money? Then write down:

  • who taught it to you?
  • where did it come from?
  • who modeled it?

Write down what are five beliefs you have about yourself. Then write down:

  • who taught it to you?
  • where did it come from?
  • who modeled it?

Final thoughts

As you explore the origins of your limiting beliefs, you might find they come from family, friends, or society. You might also discover that some of your beliefs are self-imposed and not based on physical reality at all. You may also find they are impacting your health, your current dreams, or dreams you’ve abandoned in your past.

The law of attraction is a powerful tool but our own limiting beliefs can prevent us from using it to its fullest potential. If

we want to use this law to start the attraction today, we need first to focus on examining and changing our limiting beliefs. Only then can we use the law of attraction to manifest in the way we truly desire.



Alex Padron
Alex Padron

Written by Alex Padron

I’m a scientist and life coach. I write about nonduality, addiction, mental health and more. website: https://linktr.ee/awakenwithalexp

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